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Download Nijiiro Days Batch Sub Indo

Type: TV Series
Episodes: 24
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, Romance, School, Shoujo, Slice of Life
Skor : 7.52 (
Tahun Rilis: 2016
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : Oploverz | animesave
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Rincian seri kehidupan empat karakter utama bernama Natsuki, Tomoya, Keiichi, dan Tsuyoshi. Mereka menghabiskan hari-hari mereka mencoba untuk bersenang-senang dengan menyelesaikan studi mereka dan berdebat tentang percintaan. Natsuki, salah satu karakter utama, naksir seorang gadis bernama Anna di sekolah, sementara yang lain sering terlibat dalam hubungan mereka.

The series details the lives of four main characters named Natsuki, Tomoya, Keiichi, and Tsuyoshi. They spend their days trying to have fun by finishing their studies and debating about romance. Natsuki, one of the main characters, has a crush on a girl named Anna at school, while others often get involved in their relationship.

Download Rainbow Days Sub Indo Batch

Nijiiro Days


Download Isshuukan Friends BD Batch Sub Indo

Type: BD Series
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, School, Shounen, Slice of Life
Skor : 7.72 (
Tahun Rilis: 2014
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : d-animesubs | animesave
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Roman remaja tidak pernah mudah, tapi sangat sulit untuk tahun kedua siswa SMA Hase Yuuki. Gadis dia jatuh untuk, Fujimiya Kaori, indah dan baik, dan pernah menjadi gadis paling populer di sekolah. Tapi sekarang, dia menghabiskan seluruh waktunya sendirian, dan alasan mengapa orang asing dan lebih menyakitkan daripada Yuuki pernah bayangkan.

Fujimiya Kaori memiliki rahasia: akibat kecelakaan yang dialaminya di sekolah menengah, dia kehilangan semua kenangan indah nya di awal minggu. Akibatnya, Kaori terus untuk dirinya sendiri, tidak mau menanggung rasa sakit mulai persahabatan akan menyebabkan kedua kepadanya dan kepada pihak lain. Tapi ketika Yuuki-kun tekad mendorong jalan ke dalam hidupnya, Kaori menemukan dirinya ditarik kepadanya meskipun dirinya. Dapat kebaikan dan peduli mengatasi tragedi, dan dapat Kaori dan Yuuki menjadi lebih dari satu teman minggu?

Teenage romance is never easy, but it's especially difficult for second-year high school student Hase Yuuki. The girl he's fallen for, Fujimiya Kaori, is beautiful and kind, and was once the most popular girl in school. But now, she spends all her time alone, and the reason why is stranger and more painful than Yuuki could ever have imagined.

Fujimiya Kaori has a secret: due to an accident she suffered in middle school, she loses all her happy memories at the beginning of the week. As a result, Kaori keeps to herself, unwilling to endure the pain starting a friendship will cause both to her and to the other party. But when Yuuki-kun determinedly pushes his way into her life, Kaori finds herself drawn to him in spite of herself. Can kindness and caring overcome tragedy, and can Kaori and Yuuki become more than one week friends?

Download Isshuukan Friends BD. Sub Indo Batch

Isshuukan Friends BD Per Episode

Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 01 720p | 480p
Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 02 720p | 480p
Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 03 720p | 480p
Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 04 720p | 480p
Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 05 720p | 480p
Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 06 720p | 480p
Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 07 720p | 480p
Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 08 720p | 480p
Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 09 720p | 480p
Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 10 720p | 480p
Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 11 720p | 480p
Isshuukan Friends BD Episode 12 720p | 480p

Isshuukan Friends BD


Download Musaigen no Phantom World Batch Sub Indo

Type: TV Series
Episodes: 13
Status: Completed
Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Skor : 7.06 (
Tahun Rilis: 2016
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : | animesave
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Phantoms: entitas supernatural seperti hantu atau youkai itu, sampai saat ini, yang dianggap takhayul. Namun, ketika virus yang menginfeksi otak menyebar ke seluruh masyarakat, persepsi orang tentang dunia berubah sebagai makhluk mitos yang terungkap telah hidup bersama manusia sepanjang waktu. Virus ini juga telah mempengaruhi orang-orang dari generasi berikutnya secara signifikan, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk mengembangkan kemampuan khusus yang dapat mereka gunakan untuk melawan hantu berbahaya.

Haruhiko Ichijou dan Mai Kawakami adalah dua orang yang diberikan kekuasaan seperti Haruhiko wields kemampuan untuk memanggil dan menutup hantu melalui gambar sementara Mai Bumiputera berupaya menumbuhkan kekuatan elemen dalam seni bela diri. Bersama-sama, bersama dengan hantu yang ramah Ruru, mereka membentuk Tim E dari Hosea Academy yang didedikasikan untuk berurusan dengan makhluk-makhluk yang sering nakal. Dalam dunia di mana jalin nyata dan nyata, Musaigen ada phantom Dunia mengikuti petualangan sekelompok teman-teman seperti mereka menangani masalah sehari-hari yang disebabkan oleh hantu.

Phantoms: supernatural entities such as ghosts or youkai that, until recently, were thought to be superstition. However, when a virus that infects the brain spreads throughout society, people's perception of the world changes as the mythical beings are revealed to have been living alongside humanity the entire time. This virus has also affected those of the next generation significantly, allowing them to develop special abilities that they can use to fight against dangerous phantoms.

Haruhiko Ichijou and Mai Kawakami are two of those that were granted such power as Haruhiko wields the ability to summon and seal phantoms through drawings while Mai imbues the power of the elements into martial arts. Together, along with the friendly phantom Ruru, they form Team E of Hosea Academy which is dedicated to dealing with these often mischievous beings. In a world where the real and surreal intertwine, Musaigen no Phantom World follows the adventures of a group of friends as they handle the everyday troubles caused by phantoms.

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Kumpulbagi | Uptobox | Zxcfiles

Password: MOEM

Musaigen no Phantom World


Download Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo BD Batch Sub Indo

Type: BD Series
Episodes: 24
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Slice of Life
Skor : 8.43 (
Tahun Rilis: 2012
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : animesave

Ketika anak kucing ditinggalkan dan kekuatan hati nurani yang baik tahun kedua Sorata Kanda untuk pindah ke Suimei SMA Sakura Balai terkenal, asrama satelit dan yang eksentrik, warga ketidakcocokan mengubah hidupnya terbalik. The jelas rata-rata Sorata menemukan kesulitan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan koleksi aneh warga asrama seperti Misaki, seorang animator energik; Jin, seorang playboy dramawan; Ryuunosuke, seorang programmer tertutup; dan Chihiro, manajer asrama, guru seni, dan gadis pesta.

Sorata teman Nanami, seorang mahasiswa tahun kedua dan aktris suara calon, mendorong dia untuk menemukan pemilik baru untuk banyak kucing sehingga ia dapat dengan cepat pindah kembali ke asrama biasa. Namun, keinginan untuk melarikan diri Sakura Balai goyah ketika hewan peliharaan seperti dan kekanak-kanakan tahun kedua Mashiro Shiina, seorang sarjana seni kelas dunia ingin menjadi mangaka, transfer di selama musim semi trimester dan cepat mengait pada dirinya.

Didukung oleh kebiasaan masing-masing, Sorata dan Mashiro keluar dari cangkangnya dan memicu perubahan dalam kehidupan orang-orang di sekitar mereka. Berdasarkan seri novel ringan dengan nama yang sama, sakurasou ada Pet na Kanojo mengeksplorasi benang halus yang menghubungkan bakat, kerja keras, asmara, dan persahabatan dengan ensemble cast-nya.

When abandoned kittens and his good conscience force second year Sorata Kanda to move into Suimei High School’s infamous Sakura Hall, the satellite dorm and its eccentric, misfit residents turn his life upside down. The decidedly average Sorata finds it difficult to fit in with the bizarre collection of dorm residents like Misaki, an energetic animator; Jin, a playwright playboy; Ryuunosuke, a reclusive programmer; and Chihiro, the dorm manager, art teacher, and party girl.

Sorata's friend Nanami, a second year student and aspiring voice actress, pushes him to find new owners for the many cats so that he can quickly move back into the regular dorms. However, his desire to escape Sakura Hall wavers when the pet-like and infantile second year Mashiro Shiina, a world-class artistic savant looking to become a mangaka, transfers in during the spring trimester and quickly latches onto him.

Supported by each other's quirks, Sorata and Mashiro come out of their shells and trigger change in the lives of those around them. Based on the light novel series of the same name, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo explores the fine threads connecting talent, hard work, romance, and friendship with its ensemble cast.

Download The Pet Girl of Sakurasou BD Sub Indo Batch

Part 1 | Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo BD Per Episode

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo BD Episode 01

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo BD


Download Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Batch Sub Indo

Type: BD Series
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, School, Slice of Life
Skor : 7.67 (!_Umaru-chan)
Tahun Rilis: 2015
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : | animesave
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Umaru adalah gadis cantik 16 tahun yang terkenal di kota, yang hidup dengan kakaknya Taihei. Dia bertindak adik sempurna dengan hati yang baik, kecerdasan dan popularitas, yang semua orang mengagumi. Jadi, siapa yang akan percaya betapa benar Umaru di rumah? Tidur, game, menonton TV, makan junk food, minum cola ... itu hampir semua yang ia lakukan di rumah, meninggalkan semua pekerjaan rumah untuk adiknya.

kamuflase nya begitu sempurna bahwa ketika salah satu teman sekelasnya mengunjungi rumahnya terkejut dan saksi "Umaru benar," dia berpura-pura seolah-olah dia adalah adik Umaru ini. Taihei selalu terpengaruh oleh Umaru kesenjangan antara wajah nyata dan hidup manja, tapi dia tidak bisa benci lucu dan entah bagaimana dicintai adiknya cute!

Umaru is a renowned beautiful 16-year-old girl in town, living with her elder brother Taihei. She acts a perfect sister with a kind heart, intelligence and popularity, who everybody admires. So who would believe how true Umaru is at home? Sleeping, gaming, watching TV, eating junk food, drinking cola… that's almost all she does at home, leaving all the housework to her brother.

Her camouflage is so perfect that when one of her classmates visits her home by surprise and witnesses “true Umaru," she pretends as if she is Umaru's younger sister. Taihei is always swayed by Umaru's gap between ostensible face and spoiled life, but he cannot hate his comical and somehow lovable cute little sister!

Download My Two-Faced Little Sister BD Sub Indo Batch

Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Per Episode

Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 01 720p | 480p
Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 02 720p | 480p
Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 03 720p | 480p
Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 04 720p | 480p
Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 05 720p | 480p
Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 06 720p | 480p
Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 07 720p | 480p
Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 08 720p | 480p
Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 09 720p | 480p
Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 10 720p | 480p
Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 11 720p | 480p
Himouto! Umaru-chan BD Episode 12 720p | 480p

Himouto! Umaru-chan BD


Download Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Batch Sub Indo

Type: BD Series
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, School, Shounen, Slice of Life
Skor : 8.36 (
Tahun Rilis: 2012
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : aiasubs | animesave
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Tadakuni, Hidenori, dan Yoshitake adalah mahasiswa di semua anak laki-laki akademi, Sanada Sekolah Tinggi Utara. Ini adalah kisah tentang hal itu-mereka kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai mahasiswa. Memenangkan turnamen basket? Menemukan cinta sejati? Anda tidak akan menemukan itu di sini. Apakah itu memicu argumen acak sambil nongkrong dengan teman-teman, pertemuan yang satu aneh rekan kerja di pekerjaan paruh waktu, atau bahkan membiarkan imajinasi berjalan liar pada sore berangin, kita semua mengalami acara biasa tapi benar-untuk-hidup tema pada satu titik atau lain.

Tadakuni, Hidenori, and Yoshitake are students at the all-boys academy, Sanada North High School. This is a tale about just that—their daily lives as students. Winning the basketball tournament? Finding true love? You won't find any of that here. Whether it's sparking random arguments while hanging out with friends, meeting that one weird co-worker at a part-time job, or even letting imaginations run wild on a windy afternoon, we've all experienced the show's ordinary but true-to-life themes at one point or another.

Download Daily Lives of Highschool Boys BD Sub Indo Batch

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Per Episode

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 01 720p | 480p
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 02 720p | 480p
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 03 720p | 480p
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 04 720p | 480p
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 05 720p | 480p
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 06 720p | 480p
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 07 720p | 480p
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 08 720p | 480p
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 09 720p | 480p
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 10 720p | 480p
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 11 720p | 480p
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD Episode 12 720p | 480p

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou BD


Download Kimi no Iru Machi BD Batch Sub Indo

Type: BD Series
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Genres: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life
Skor : 7.20 (
Tahun Rilis: 2013
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : d-animesubs | animesave
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Eba Yuzuki, seorang gadis dari Tokyo pindah ke pedesaan untuk bersekolah. Dia tinggal bersama seorang pria bernama Kirishima Haruto yang ayahnya adalah teman ayah Eba. Haruto tidak pernah setuju untuk membiarkan Yuzuki tinggal di rumahnya dan selalu menolak dia. Gadis lain, Kanzaki Nanami, yang mana Haruto mungkin menjadi jatuh cinta. Tebak apa yang akan terjadi dalam cerita ini?

Eba Yuzuki, a girl from Tokyo moves to a countryside to attend high school. She lives together with a guy named Kirishima Haruto whose father is an apprentice of Eba's father. Haruto never agrees to let Yuzuki stay at his house and always rejects her. Another girl, Kanzaki Nanami, comes whom Haruto might be in love with. So... what will happen in this story?

Download A Town Where You Live BD Sub Indo Batch

Kimi no Iru Machi BD Per Episode

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Kimi no Iru Machi BD Episode 02 720p | 480p
Kimi no Iru Machi BD Episode 03 720p | 480p
Kimi no Iru Machi BD Episode 04 720p | 480p
Kimi no Iru Machi BD Episode 05 720p | 480p
Kimi no Iru Machi BD Episode 06 720p | 480p
Kimi no Iru Machi BD Episode 07 720p | 480p
Kimi no Iru Machi BD Episode 08 720p | 480p
Kimi no Iru Machi BD Episode 09 720p | 480p
Kimi no Iru Machi BD Episode 10 720p | 480p
Kimi no Iru Machi BD Episode 11 720p | 480p
Kimi no Iru Machi BD Episode 12 720p | 480p

Kimi no Iru Machi BD


Download Hyouka BD Batch Sub Indo

Type: BD Series
Episodes: 22
Status: Completed
Genres: Mystery, School, Slice of Life
Skor : 8.20 (
Tahun Rilis: 2012
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : | animesave
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Oreki Houtarou adalah seorang siswa SMA. Suatu hari, dia bergabung dengan Klub Sastra atas permintaan dari kakaknya. Kemudian dia bertemu dengan Chitanda Eru, Fukube Satoshi, dan Ibara Mayaka. Bersama, mereka mulai menjalankan aktifitas klub dan memecahkan misteri demi misteri.

Oreki Houtarou is a minimalistic high school boy. One day, he joins the Classic Literature Club at his elder sister's request.

There he meets Chitanda Eru, Fukube Satoshi, and Ibara Mayaka. Chitanda is a calm beautiful girl but she turns into an embodiment of curiosity once she says, "I'm curious." Fukube is a smiling boy with a fantastic memory who calls himself a database. Ibara is a short girl and is strict with others and herself.

Download Hyouka BD Sub Indo Batch

Kumpulbagi Part 1 | Part 2

Uptobox Part 1 | Part 2

Hyouka BD Per Episode

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Hyouka BD Episode 02 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 03 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 04 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 05 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 06 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 07 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 08 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 09 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 10 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 11 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 12 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 13 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 14 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 15 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 16 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 17 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 18 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 19 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 20 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 21 720p | 480p
Hyouka BD Episode 22 720p | 480p

Hyouka BD


Download Komori-san wa Kotowarenai! Batch Sub Indo

Type: TV Series
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life
Skor : 6.33 (!)
Tahun Rilis: 2011
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : | animesave
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Komori Shuri gadis 15 tahun sebagai siswi SMP yang terlalu baik untuk menolak permintaan. Terus melakukan bantuan untuk orang lain telah memberikan kekuatan luar biasa padanya?! Namun, dia juga merupakan gadis remaja SMP.

Fifteen-year-old Komori Shuri is a junior high school girl who is too nice to decline requests. Constantly doing favors for other people has given her incredible strength?! But even so, she is also an adolescent junior high school girl.

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Komori-san wa Kotowarenai! Per Episode

Komori-san wa Kotowarenai! Episode 01

Komori-san wa Kotowarenai!


Download Working!! Season 3 Batch Sub Indo

Type: TV Series
Episodes: 13
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life
Skor : 8.20 (!!!)
Tahun Rilis: 2015
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit :
Resolusi: 480p, 720p & 1080p

Season ke 3 dari Working!!.

The third season of the Working!! series.

Download Working!!! Season 3 Sub Indo Batch

Working!! Season 3


Download Working!! Season 2 BD Batch Sub Indo

Type: TV Series
Episodes: 13
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life
Skor : 8.00 (!!)
Tahun Rilis: 2011
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit :
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Sekuel dan merupakan season ke-2 dari anime dari Working!! yang masih tetap bersetting di Wagnaria, restoran keluarga yang pekerjanya itu remaja-remaja. Takanashi juga masih harus menjalankan misinya untuk menyembuhkan androphobianya Inami. Dengan beberapa karakter baru, Wagnaria tambah ramai dengan keeksentrikkan dari tokoh-tokohnya.

Life goes on at the Wagnaria family restaurant as its peculiar employees try to provide a good service despite their individual eccentricities.

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Working!! Season 2 BD


Download Working!! BD Batch Sub Indo

Type: TV Series
Episodes: 13
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life
Skor : 7.84 (!!)
Tahun Rilis: 2010
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit :
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Terletak di sebuah restoran keluarga di Hokkaido, prefektur utara Jepang, seorang remaja 16 tahun siswa SMA Souta Takanashi bekerja paruh waktu bersama dengan rekan kerjanya yang aneh: Popura Taneshima, seorang gadis SMA yang setahun lebih tua dari Souta, namun mudah melakukan kesalahan, dan Kyoko Shirafuji, manajer toko 28 tahun yang tidak mau repot-repot untuk melakukan pekerjaannya sama sekali.

Due to his love for small, cute things, Souta Takanashi cannot turn childlike Popura Taneshima down when she recruits him to work for Wagnaria, a family restaurant located in Hokkaido. Takanashi takes particular joy in doting on the older Popura, which only fuels her complex over how young she looks. He also quickly learns he must stay on his toes once he meets the rest of his colleagues, including the katana-wielding floor chief Yachiyo Todoroki, the intimidating head chef Jun Satou, the dangerously well-informed and subtly sadistic sous chef Hiroomi Souma, the adamantly lazy manager Kyouko Shirafuji, and the waitress Mahiru Inami who has a "painful" fear of men.

Powered by an eccentric cast, Working!! is a unique workplace comedy that follows the never-dull happenings within the walls of Wagnaria as Takanashi and his co-workers' quirky personalities combine to create non-stop antics, shenanigans, and hilarity.

Download Working!! Season 1 BD Sub Indo Batch

Working!! BD


Download Uchouten Kazoku Batch Sub Indo

Type: TV Series
Episodes: 13
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Slice of Life
Skor : 8.00 (
Tahun Rilis: 2013
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit :

Shimogamo Yasaburo merupakan tanuki muda, anak ketiga dari empat bersaudara Shimogamo. Tidak seperti kakak sulungnya yang serius, Yasaburo merupakan tanuki muda yang senang bermain-main karena prinsipnya hidup harus dibuat menarik (ia paling senang berubah menjadi manusia karena hal itu). Kesehariannya sebagai tanuki di Kyoto dengan manusia, tengu, serta tanuki hidup berdampingan (walau manusia tampak tidak tahu mengenai dua keberadaan lainnya) memang tidaklah membosankan. Kemudian, fakta bahwa ada suatu klub bernama Friday Fellow yang di akhir tahun selalu membuat Tanuki-Nabe (di mana kepala keluarga Shimogamo, yang merupakan pemimpin kelompok tanuki, juga mati karena dijadikan nabe) membuat kelompok tanuki tidak bisa terus menerus santai.

In Kyoto, there are three kinds of residents: humans, tanuki, and tengu. Shimogamo Yasaburou is the third son of the Shimogamo tanuki family. His father, Souichirou, had been the head of Kyoto tanuki community until he was eaten by the human members of "Friday Club." While taking care of an old tengu, fighting with other tanuki, and playing with a psychic human girl, Yasaburou approaches the truth of his father's death.

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Uchouten Kazoku


Download Saki Zenkoku-hen BD Batch Sub Indo

Type: BD Series
Episodes: 13
Status: Completed
Genres: Game, School, Slice of Life
Skor : 7.50 (
Tahun Rilis: 2014
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit :
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Sekuel dari seri Saki meliputi Inter SMA Mahjong Championships.

Sequel to the Saki series covering the Inter High School Mahjong Championships.

Download Saki Season 2 The Nationals BD Sub Indo Batch

Kumpulbagi Part 01 | Part 02
Uptobox Part 01 | Part 02
Userfiles Part 01 | Part 02

Saki Zenkoku-hen BD


Download Saki Batch Sub Indo

Type: TV Series
Episodes: 25
Status: Completed
Genres: Game, School, Slice of Life
Skor : 7.59 (
Tahun Rilis: 2009
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : A-Kazuto
Resolusi: 480p

Saki Miyanaga adalah mahasiswa sekolah tinggi yang tidak suka mahjong. Sejak ia masih kecil, ia akan kehilangan uang Tahun Baru-nya selama dia bermain mahjong dengan keluarga. Jika dia menang, orang tuanya akan marah, dan jika ia kalah, dia akan kehilangan uang. Akibatnya, dia belajar bermain agar skor nya selalu tetap ± 0: tidak cukup baik untuk menang, tapi tidak cukup buruk untuk kalah. Ketika dia bertemu dengan anggota klub mahajong, dia diseret ke klub mahjong sekolahnya oleh seorang teman lama. Bagaimana seorang gadis yang membenci mahjong, namun telah mahir dalam permainan karena dia dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang senang mahjong, bagaimana ia bertahan hidup di lingkungan seperti ini?

Saki Miyanaga is a high school freshman who doesn't like mahjong. Ever since she was a child, she would lose her New Year's gift money during her family mahjong game. If she won, her parents would be upset, and if she lost, well, she lost. As a result, she's learned to play in such a way that her score differential always remains ±0: not good enough to win, but not bad enough to lose. When we meet her, she's being dragged to her school's mahjong club by an old friend. How will a girl who hates mahjong, yet has become adept at the game as a result of her upbringing, survive in this environment?

Download Saki Sub Indo Batch



Download Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu Batch Sub Indo

Type: TV Series
Episodes: 16
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, Romance, School, Seinen, Slice of Life
Skor : 6.79 (
Tahun Rilis: 2015
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : Wardhanime
Resolusi: 480p & 780p

Nagato Yuki, merupakan ketua klub sastra, tidak pernah sangat percaya diri di dengan orang lain. Tapi ketika Kyon yang merupakan satu-satunya anak laki-laki di di klubnya Yuki membuat dirinya lebih percaya diri. Untuk Kyon dan untuk klubnya yang berharga, Yuki harus membuat klub itu bertahan!

Nagato Yuki, the shy president of the literature club, has never been very sure of herself around other people. But around Kyon, the only boy in the tiny, three-person club, Yuki finds herself faltering even more than usual. For Kyon, and for her precious club, Yuki must find her confidence and let her true personality shine!

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Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu


Download Gakkougurashi! Batch Sub Indo

Type: TV Series
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Genres: Horror, Mystery, Psychological, School, Slice of Life
Skor : 7.79 (!)
Tahun Rilis: 2015
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit :
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Takeya Yuki sangat menyukai sekolah. Baginya, itu adalah tempat yang indah di mana ia menikmati kegiatan sekolahnya, terutama kegiatan klubnya: Klub Tinggal di Sekolah. Klub ini memiliki Rii-chan sebagai presiden, Kurumi-chan sebagai anggota lain, dan ibu guru Megu-nee yang selalu ada untuk mereka. Ya, dia menyukai sekolahnya  dalam pikirannya. Karena baginya, kenyataan yang menimpa sekolah dan kegiatan klub mereka terlalu keras untuk dirasakan.

Yuki Takeya loves her school so much that she does not want to ever leave! Megurigaoka Private High School is a unique and lively place where Yuki enjoys her carefree life as a third-year high school student and member of the School Living Club. The club, consisting of the president Yuuri Wakasa, the athletic Kurumi Ebisuzawa, the mature junior Miki Naoki, the supervising teacher Megumi Sakura, and the club dog Taroumaru, prides itself on making the most of life at school. However, this illusion of endless bliss is just a bubble waiting to be burst because Yuki is unable to perceive what is truly happening around her. In reality, all is not as it seems—the real purpose of the School Living Club is to escape from the shocking and disturbing truth: the girls are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and have barricaded themselves inside the school as the sole survivors.

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Type: BD Series
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy, School, Slice of Life, Seinen
Skor : 7.15 (
Tahun Rilis: 2011
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : Himitsukaze
Resolusi: 720p

Tooru dan Run telah bersahabat lama, jadi ketika Tooru belajar bahwa dia berhasil masuk ke SMA yang sama seperti Run, ia berlari untuk menceritakan. hanya untuk menemukan Jalan dalam posisi dengan gadis lainnya, Yuko. Tidak lagi yang membuat hal-hal sedikit canggung di sekolah, dengan Tooru menolak orang-orang yang tertarik pada Run sementara Yuko dan pacar mereka yang lain, Nagi, harus berurusan dengan kecenderungan Run sendiri.

Tooru and Run have been best friends forever, so when Tooru learns that she's managed to get into the same high school as Run, she runs to tell her. only to find Run in a compromising position with yet another girl, Yuko. Needless to say, that makes things a bit awkward at school, with Tooru fending off those who might be interested in Run while Yuko and their other girlfriend, Nagi, have to deal with Run's own penchant for drama.

A-Channel BD

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